Specialist in data- and AI-driven solutions

Your partner in the transformation into a data-driven organization.

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Our solutions for a data-driven organization

Without data, digital transformation is impossible. That's why we ensure that your data is activated correctly.

AI-ready scan

This scan includes an in-depth assessment of your company through questionnaires, interviews and data analysis.

Data management

With Data Management, we help organize, store and protect your company's data.

Data analysis

With data analysis, we help you reveal the story behind the data to help your business move forward.


With dashboarding, we help you provide (real-time) insight using customized, user-friendly dashboards.


This service includes optimizing and automating your processes through Intelligent Process Automation (IPA).

Machine learning & AI

This service includes integrating generic AI solutions, semi-customized solutions, and fully customized solutions.

What phase are you in
your company located?

View all phases or take the quiz right away to find out what phase your company is in.
Become Aware

This is the first phase in which an organization becomes aware of the importance of data, but does not yet have a structured approach to do something with it. In this phase, companies often collect data, but they don't do much with it yet.

Example situation 1

A company finds that most of their decisions are based on intuition or “as we've always done,” without deep data analysis. Which can lead to inconsistent success and inability to evaluate strategies effectively.

This is common and makes total sense. After all, this is often why a company has come to where it is today.
Example situation 2

There is a lot of data available in the organization, but there is no vision about storing or using it.

This is the case more often than people think. Collecting data is often easy, but doing something with it is a profession in itself.
Example situation 3

Unexpected failures of machines that already have a lot of data behind them, but nothing is being done with.

Day-to-day business often prevents people from really delving into tackling these problems.

In this phase, an organization actively starts collecting data and storing it. However, the data is often still disorganized and is not systematically analyzed, so its value is limited.

“we have the data, but are not doing anything with it yet”

A company collects data from multiple sources but lacks the resources or knowledge to analyze it, so valuable insights go unnoticed.

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Here, the organization begins to analyze the collected data to understand what is happening. They use basic analysis and reporting tools to identify trends and patterns. This helps with making basic decisions.

“When we started systematically reviewing our collected data, new worlds opened up. There were whole new patterns that I wouldn't have noticed before.”


The organization uses advanced techniques such as machine learning to predict trends and outcomes based on historical data. This enables them to act proactively rather than reactively.


This is the most advanced phase. Here, the organization uses data not only to predict what will happen, but also to make recommendations about what needs to be done. This often includes automated systems that make their own decisions based on data analysis.

“Our organization runs on AI”

At a fundamental level, a company's business involves the integration of artificial intelligence (AI). The models are used for predictive analyses, where resulting conclusions and recommendations are crucial for strategic decision-making.

If you're not sure what phase your company is in, take the quiz to find out.

Is your data already in order?

Please also contact us for the options.

Valuso AI Quiz

Unlocking valuable insights

Take the quiz and find out what phase your company is in.

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Why do customers choose
Valuso AI

The total solution

At Valuso AI, we strive to be more than just a supplier; we are your partner in innovation. Our comprehensive solution includes not only implementing advanced technology, but also providing expert guidance. Together with you, we will look at which solutions seamlessly meet the unique needs of your organization. Our goal is to build a partnership that strengthens your business, increases efficiency, and lays the foundation for a smarter future.

Safe and responsible

In a world where data equals value, we at Valuso AI understand the importance of safety and trust. We are committed to protecting your data with a responsible approach. Our solutions are designed to ensure the integrity of your information and fully comply with the strict requirements of the GDPR. Choosing Valuso AI means choosing a partner that has safety and trust as a top priority.

Your partner in the
AI revolution

Data isn't just an asset; it's the driving force behind growth and innovation in the digital age. However, the true potential of data is only unlocked when it is used strategically and effectively. Many organizations have data, but face the challenge of turning it into useful insights and concrete actions. At Valuso AI, we're committed to transforming your data into a powerful tool for growth. Our goal is to not only support but accelerate your journey to a data-driven organization. With our in-depth expertise, we offer a spectrum of services: from strategic advice and insight into your data to the implementation of complex AI solutions. Together, we take the step from data to insight, from insight to action.

More about us

Start making your company smarter right away?

At Valuso AI, we ensure that you not only collect data, but also use it efficiently and effectively. Request a free consultation now.

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