Jun 20, 2024

Four steps SMEs must take before starting with AI

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Four steps SMEs must take before starting with AI

Four steps SMEs must take before starting with AI

You've probably heard examples of what AI will do for us in the future:

  • Customer service representatives have the answer to the question on their screen before the customer has finished speaking.
  • Predictive maintenance becomes so good that the new part is installed two minutes before the old one broke.
  • Marketing agencies no longer need to employ 20 content managers to write blogs.

We see with our clients (SME businesses) that there are often a few steps to take before we are in this future. That's why we take you through the process most SMEs go through when they want to start with AI.

1 What data do we have?

If it is not clear what is being worked with, we cannot know what we hope to get out of it. Make sure it is clear where different data is located. Your sales team might work in a CRM system, an ERP system is used, and in a customer service system or on social media, you can see what customers say about the company. Also identify what that data looks like and how it can be standardized.

Stakeholders: The project leader, IT manager, and employees who work in the systems

2 What do we want to achieve with that data?

"Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible." - Tony Robbins

Make sure clear goals are set. Examples include reducing the time to respond to a customer by 30% or increasing production efficiency by 20% through better predictive maintenance.

Stakeholders: Director, other management, and IT manager

3 How are we going to centralize that information?

Now that it is clear which data streams exist and what is to be achieved with them, it's time to bring everything together. The data is linked with a database, for a list of databases click here. With just a database, the data is still not easily accessible. To make the database accessible, it is important to use a uniform and structured format for storing the data.

Stakeholders: IT manager

4 How are we going to understand the data?

A database with thousands of rows of information that are mixed up still makes nothing clear. Therefore, in this step, it is essential to look at dashboarding. A picture says more than a thousand words, right?

Stakeholders: Director, other management, project leader, (senior) managers

These are the first steps an SME will take to extract value from AI. Because we at Valuso are not so stingy, we like to add a little bit about developing the AI strategy.

5 How are we going to do something with that information?

To then work towards an AI that knows everything about what happens within the company, the last step is certainly not the easiest; Bring AI expertise into the company. Writing or using algorithms is a profession apart and is not doable for a normal mortal. That's why people train staff to become AI engineers or hire expertise from outside.

These are the first steps an SME must take to stay ahead of their competitors in terms of technology. It is important to realize that this is a brief overview and not an exact guide.

Start making your company smarter right away?

At Valuso AI, we ensure that you not only collect data, but also use it efficiently and effectively. Request a free consultation now.

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